Ternary number system or Base 3 numbers
A number system can be considered as a mathematical notation of numbers using a set of digits or symbols. In simpler words, the number system is a method of representing numbers. Every number system is identified with the help of its base or radix....
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Program for Octal to Decimal Conversion
Given an octal number as input, we need to write a program to convert the given octal number into equivalent decimal number....
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Difference Between 8 Bit and 16 Bit Microcontroller
Introduction :...
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Samsung Semiconductor for R&D Centre Internship (India)
Written test: It consisted of questions related to Digital Electronics and Analog Electronics. The test was for around 67 mins and there were around 48 questions and no negative marking. The questions were not tough and not easy too, they were tricky. One having clarity in the basics of Digital Electronics and Analog Electronics can easily crack the test....
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Counter Design using verilog HDL
Prerequisite – Counters in Digital Logic...
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Ripple Counter in Digital Logic
Counters play a crucial role in digital logic circuits, enabling tasks such as clock frequency division and sequencing. This article explores the concept of ripple counters, a type of asynchronous counter, their operation, advantages, and disadvantages in digital logic design....
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Transmission Impairment in Data Communication
In communication system, analog signals travel through transmission media, which tends to deteriorate the quality of analog signal, which means that the signal at the beginning of the medium is not the same as the signal  at the end of the medium. The imperfection causes signal impairment. Below are the causes of the impairment....
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2 to 4 Decoder in Verilog HDL
In this article, we will implement the 2:4 Decoder using all levels of abstraction in Verilog HDL with a step-by-step procedure. Before proceeding to code we shall look into the truth table and logic symbol of the 2:4 Decoder....
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Introduction to Clampers
If you’re into woodworking or metalworking, then you’ve probably heard of clampers. Clampers are devices that are used to hold two pieces of material together while they are being worked on. There are many different types of clampers, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the most popular types of clampers and what makes them so useful....
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Implementing DFA for no runs of length less than 4 for input (a,b)
DFA or Deterministic Finite Automata is a finite state machine, in which on every input alphabet a transition is done from one state to another state according to set of defined rules as per the need of string acceptance.In this particular problem, runs of length is the factor to think about.The input alphabets are {a, b}. No runs of length less than 4 means any input alphabets repeats itself minimum 4 times....
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Static Hazards in Digital Logic
A hazard, if exists, in a digital circuit causes a temporary fluctuation in the output of the circuit. In other words, a hazard in a digital circuit is a temporary disturbance in the ideal operation of the circuit which if given some time, gets resolved itself. These disturbances or fluctuations occur when different paths from the input to output have different delays and due to this fact, changes in input variables do not change the output instantly but do appear at the output after a small delay caused by the circuit-building elements, i.e., logic gates. There are three different kinds of hazards found in digital circuits...
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State Reduction and State Assignment
To illustrate the process of state reduction and state assignment first we have to know the concepts of the state diagram, state table, and state equation. In this article, we are going to learn all the topics related to state reduction and assignment....
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